January 18, 2019

Congresswoman Lee Observes Martin Luther King Day

Oakland, C.A. – Congresswoman Barbara Lee released the following statement in observance of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day:

“Today, we pause to remember the life and legacy of a civil rights icon, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Through his tireless activism and deep commitment to justice, Dr. King inspired a nation to change the course of history and affirm civil rights so long denied to African Americans.

“But more than that, Dr. King was a true revolutionary who understood that real freedom for African Americans was unattainable without economic justice, and that African Americans’ struggle for equality at home is inseparable from the struggles of oppressed peoples abroad.

“Dr. King fought for an America that recognizes the dignity of all people, and I’ve found great inspiration in his example and deep wisdom.

“But the struggle for King’s dream is far from over. Institutional racism still plagues our nation, and too many Americans remain trapped in poverty. The last few years have also made clearer than ever that we still have a long way to go to achieve civil rights, freedom, and justice for all – regardless of race, creed, national origin, sexual orientation, or gender identity. Even now, during the longest shutdown in American history, President Trump and his administration are vilifying immigrants and denigrating communities of color.

“As Dr. King showed us, none of us can be silent in the face of hate, bigotry, and staggering inequality. I will keep fighting to make Dr. King’s dream a reality for everyone.

“Today, I hope that people across the country and around the world will be inspired by Dr. King’s lifework, and keep his legacy alive by joining the struggle for justice and equality. Let us march on, with hope and fearless resilience as we follow in the footsteps of Dr. King.”
