March 02, 2015

Congresswoman Lee Releases Statement on Prime Minister Netanyahu's Speech

Washington, D.C. – Following Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s address, Congresswoman Barbara Lee released this statement:

“I have grave concerns about the Prime Minister’s address, especially its inappropriate timing.

Just two weeks before the Israeli election, the speech is essentially a campaign commercial for Prime Minister Netanyahu.

While Israel is and will continue to be one of America’s most important allies, the Prime Minister’s speech undermines U.S. foreign policy and our President’s strategic efforts to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon.

The Prime Minister prematurely spoke against a deal that has yet to be achieved while offering no alternative, leaving one to question if the only alternative is war.

The current negotiations have already led to an agreement that has significantly reduced Iran’s nuclear stockpile. We must continue diplomatic efforts to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons while ensuring rigorous inspections and monitoring of Iran’s nuclear program.”


Congresswoman Lee is a member of the State, Foreign Operations and Related Programs (SFOPS) funding subcommittee. She is a member of the Appropriations and Budget Committees, the Steering and Policy Committee, is a Senior Democratic Whip, former chair of the Congressional Black Caucus and co-chair of the Progressive Caucus. She serves as chair of the Whip’s Task Force on Poverty and Opportunity.