November 19, 2021

Congresswoman Lee Speaks on the House Floor in Support of the Build Back Better Bill

Washington, D.C. – Congresswoman Barbara Lee delivered remarks on the Floor of the House of Representatives urging members of the House to support the Build Back Better Bill. A video and transcript of her remarks can be found below:

"Thank you very much. Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong support of the Build Back Better Bill. 

“I thank Chairman Yarmuth, the Speaker, as well as the committee chairs who worked to craft this transformative legislation. It makes bold investments in our people, reduces inflation and will deliver real improvements in their lives. 

“It will address the acute housing crisis in my community and throughout the country. It also includes wildfire prevention, drought relief, conservation efforts and climate change research to curb the climate crisis. 

“The child tax credit, paid family leave, child nutrition programs, expanding access to childcare for working and low-income families, home care for elders–all of these investments and more will help reduce poverty and allow women to get back into the paid workforce. 

“Also, it will help build rewarding careers through create jobs through workforce development funding for underserved populations including returning citizens. 

“Passing this bill is a moral imperative, especially for children, women, seniors and people of color that have been disproportionately impacted by this pandemic and continue to be sidelined due to systemic racial and economic inequality. I urge a yes vote.”