June 19, 2008

Congresswoman Lee Votes against War Funding, Calls Funding

For Immediate Release
June 19, 2008

Contact: Julie Nickson

(Washington, DC) – Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee voted against legislation providing emergency supplemental funding for Iraq.  With the exception of a prohibition on military construction of permanent bases in Iraq, which the Congresswoman pushed to insert, the funding bill contains no significant restrictions on the spending, which would fund the occupation in Iraq well into 2009. 

"I am disappointed that we will not be considering my amendment to fully fund the safe and timely redeployment of our troops and military contractors from Iraq,” said Lee, who testified before the Rules Committee earlier in the day in support of her efforts to have it considered on the House floor.

“We should not provide one more dime for funding combat operations but should fully fund the safe and responsible redeployment of all troop and contractors from Iraq.  I strongly oppose this largely unconditional funding for the ongoing occupation in Iraq.  Frankly put, this bill is the biggest blank check ever.”   
