September 21, 2011

Congresswoman Lee Welcomes News That Unjust Imprisonment of Iran Hostages is Finally Over

For Immediate Release
Kristal DeKleer (202) 225-1882
Shane and Josh Are Free!
Washington, D.C.– Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) issued the following statement today in response to the release of Joshua Fattal and Shane Bauer, the two U.C. Berkeley alumni who have been detained in Iran since July 31, 2009:
“I am greatly relieved by the news that Shane and Josh are finally free after over two years of unjust imprisonment. 
“Since their arrest, I have worked toward their release and called on the Iranian government to free these young American citizens who committed no crime.  They never should have been arrested in the first place and it is a shame that they were used as political pawns by the government of Iran.
“I am glad that Shane and Josh will be returning home to their families who have suffered while working tirelessly for their children’s release.  Shane will also be returning to his fiancée, Sarah Shourd, who herself was unfairly imprisoned until her release one year ago.
“We look forward to welcoming Shane and Josh back home and wish them a happy reunion with their families and loved ones.” 
Follow Barbara Lee on Twitter @RepBarbaraLee