May 02, 2019

Congresswoman Lee’s Statement Celebrating Asian Pacific American Heritage Month

Washington, D.C. – Congresswoman Lee released the following statement to mark the beginning of Asian Pacific American Heritage Month.

“This May, I am proud to join communities across the country in celebrating Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, commemorating the history, contributions, and achievements of the Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI).

“By opening new businesses, participating in the arts, serving in elected office, and pioneering new scientific discoveries, the contributions of Asian Pacific Americans are a vital part of our nation’s civic, economic, and cultural development. The East Bay’s diversity is one of its greatest strengths, and I am proud to represent such a vibrant Asian Pacific American community. As a member of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus and co-chair of the CAPAC Health Care Task Force, I am committed to continuing the work to recognize, protect and expand opportunity for every family to realize the American Dream.”

About Asian Pacific American Heritage Month: May is officially designated as “Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month” by section 102 of title 36, United States Code. The observance originally began as “Asian/Pacific American Heritage Week,” established by a joint Congressional resolution in 1978. The month of May was chosen due to two milestones in Asian/Pacific American history: May 7, 1843, when the first Japanese immigrants arrived in the United States, and May 10, 1869, when the first transcontinental railroad was completed 150 years ago with substantial contributions from Chinese immigrant workers.
