July 30, 2015

Congresswoman Lee’s Statement on Trip to Kenya and Ethiopia with the President

Washington, DC – Congresswoman Lee released the following statement after returning from a six day trip to Kenya and Ethiopia with President Obama and Congressional colleagues:

“I was honored to join President Obama on this historic trip to Africa, which marked the first time a sitting U.S. President has visited Ethiopia or the African Union. This visit was pivotal in strengthening economic and diplomatic partnerships in the region and building upon the progress of the 2014 African Leaders Summit.

“As the former Chair of the Congressional Black Caucus and former member of the Foreign Affairs Committee and Subcommittees on Africa and Global Health, as well as a senior member of the Appropriations Subcommittee on State and Foreign Operations, I’ve witnessed firsthand the many benefits of improved U.S.-Africa relations. From increasing trade and economic growth, promoting public health programs and protecting global human rights, we’ve seen time and again the critical importance of mutual cooperation.

“As the President noted in his speech to the African Union, ‘Africa’s rise is not just important for Africa, it’s important to the entire world.’ Much of the progress of the 21st century will rely upon the U.S. continuing to build a new, more cooperative chapter with our African partners. I was honored to be a part of this historic delegation which is an important step toward greater engagement with African nations.”


Congresswoman Lee is a member of the Appropriations and Budget Committees, the Steering and Policy Committee, is a Senior Democratic Whip, former chair of the Congressional Black Caucus and co-chair of the Progressive Caucus. Additionally, she has served on the Foreign Affairs Committee on the subcommittees on Western Hemisphere and Africa and Global Health. In 2013, she was nominated by President Obama to serve as the Congressional Representative to the United Nations for the 113th Congress.