September 27, 2008

House Approves Lee's Resolution Commemorating The New Deal

WASHINGTON, D.C. – On September 27, 2008, the House unanimously approved H. Con.Res. 360, a measure introduced by Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) to celebrate the 75th Anniversary of the New Deal by highlighting the immense cultural, social, and economic benefits of New Deal programs.

The resolution was supported by several organizations including the California Living New Deal Project, the National New Deal Preservation Association, and the California Historical Society.

“This legislation serves to promote recognition and appreciation for the New Deal and its legacy on our nation,” said Congresswoman Lee. “These programs created jobs that lifted individuals out of poverty and left a lasting impact on our infrastructure, public works, and the arts.

“California’s 9th District is home to many longstanding New Deal projects including the Alameda County Courthouse in Oakland, CA, the trails, roads, and many trees throughout Tilden Regional Park in Berkeley, CA, and the Port of Oakland that serves as a gateway to commerce and tourism on the West Coast.

“As America faces a growing economic crisis, I am pleased Congress took this opportunity to honor The New Deal programs, which demonstrated the ability of the Federal Government to act as a positive and instrumental force for change in addressing social and economic crises for the benefit of all people in the United States.

“My legislation also encourages individuals across the country to observe National New Deal Week, and in doing so, celebrate the inventiveness, resourcefulness, and creativity of the administrators and workers of the many New Deal programs.”

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Congresswoman Barbra Lee (CA-9) is Co-chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus and Co-founder of the Out of Poverty Caucus.