January 21, 2010

House Passes Barbara Lee Resolution for Haiti

For Immediate Release
January 21, 2010

Contact: Nicole Y. Williams
(202) 225-2661


Washington, D.C. – Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee’s (D-CA) resolution expressing condolences and solidarity with the people of Haiti in the aftermath of the devastating earthquake that took place on January 12, 2010 passed the house by a margin of 411-1. In addition the resolution commends the efforts of the both the U.S. and international community in the relief efforts, calls for a long-term sustainable recovery effort and urges debt forgiveness for the impoverished nation.

“I am extremely pleased that a majority of my colleagues joined me in support of this very important and timely resolution,” said Congresswoman Lee. “Now more than ever, the people of Haiti need our help and this resolution is a positive step towards helping the people of Haiti recover from this tragedy.”

Note: For a copy of the full resolution, please contact Nicole Y. Williams at Nicole.Williams@mail.house.gov or (202) 225-2661.
