February 13, 2003

Lee and Kucinich Fight for Patsy Mink Memorial TANF Reauthorization Act

Joint Statement of Progressive Caucus Co-Chairs Kucinich and LeeWashington, D.C. – Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) and Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) challenged the Republican leadership’s draconian TANF Reauthorization Act today by attempting to substitute The Patsy Mink Memorial TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families) Reauthorization Act, which would have restored welfare as a means to self-sufficiency.

Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) and Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH), along with Congressman Jim McGovern (D-MA) and Congressman Tom Lantos (D-CA), reintroduced legislation that had been a hallmark of the late Congresswoman Patsy Mink’s legislative career. Mink (D-HI), who passed away last year, was recognized as an expert on welfare, and she was passionate about education.

The Lee/Kucinich substitute sought to provide a $20 billion increase in child care over five years for working mothers; would have limited TANF recipients to 30 hours per week; and would have been more generous in extending opportunities for TANF recipients to receive substantial education and training. The Lee/Kucinich substitute would have also removed the current ban on legal immigrants receiving TANF funds.

By contrast, the Republican bill that passed increased the number of hours recipients must work to 40 hours. The Republican bill calls for a mere $1 billion increase over five years for child care, and it continues to punish legal immigrants by not allowing them to receive TANF funds.

"The Republican plan doesn’t offer the right kind of opportunities for women, children, and families to become self-sufficient," said Lee and Kucinich.

"Our plan provided the resources and flexibility necessary for people to be able to land on their feet during short-term difficulties. It also provided a path out of poverty.

"We are very disappointed with the legislation that was passed today. At a time when the economy is in such a tailspin, this is absolutely the wrong time to act with such disregard toward low-income women and children.
