September 26, 2011

Lee Calls Out GOP for Protecting Polluters

Contact Kristal DeKleer (202) 225-1882

Washington, D.C.– Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) issued the following statement on H.R. 2401, a misguided and dangerous Republican-sponsored bill to block and indefinitely delay two of the most important, life-saving Clean Air rules – the Mercury and Air Toxics Standards and the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule:

“Today, House Republicans passed the TRAIN Act, a bill to undermine the Clean Air Act’s ability to crack down on pollution in our communities and endangers public health.  This dangerous proposal threatens the quality of life for our children, our families and our communities.

“It is shameful that Republicans are pushing their anti-environmental agenda under the guise of job creation. This bill blocks EPA's ability to move forward with two long overdue Clean Air Act rules – the Mercury and Air Toxics Standard and the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule – which will reduce harmful air pollution that threatens public health, especially the health of vulnerable populations, including children and seniors.

“The Clean Air Act is one of the most successful public health programs in American history – with a return of more than $30 in benefits for every dollar invested in pollution reductions over the life of this law.  Despite what you have heard from politicians that side with polluters, we can have both clean air and jobs. We must put an end to any agenda that rewards polluters at the expense of our children’s health and well-being.”


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