October 07, 2005

Lee Fights Latest Republican Give Away to Big Oil

Contact: Nathan Britton - 202-225-2661

(Washington, DC) – Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) today delivered the following statement on the House floor in opposition to the second consecutive Republican energy bill that fails to address soaring gas prices and rising home heating costs:

“We are all touched by the magnitude of the devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Rita in the Gulf Coast Region. The human and environmental costs of these disasters are unimaginable.

“But as in any catastrophe, there is always somebody waiting in the wings to make a profit off of human misery and suffering—and yet again this Congress is willing to oblige.

“Today, once again it’s the energy companies.

“We just gave them over $12.8 billion in subsidies and tax breaks two months ago, but now they’re back asking for more help. Why?

“The top ten energy companies last year made over $125 billion last year, why should the American public be subsidizing this highly profitable industry?

“Once again, instead of allowing us to take a real stand to address our short and long term energy needs, the rules committee has reported a restrictive rule that rejects consideration of many amendments which would have made this bill much better.

“The bi-partisan Boehlert Markey amendment for example would have raised the country’s fuel economy standards to 33 miles per gallon and saved over 2.6 million barrels of oil a day by 2025. But despite a recent survey indicating that 86 percent of American favor an increase in fuel economy standards, the Rules committee prevented consideration of this important and effective amendment.

“We were prevented from considering the Gas Price Spike Act of 2005, offered as an amendment by Rep. Kucinich, Hinchey, Grijalva and myself, which would have discouraged price gouging by implementing a windfall tax on oil and gasoline profits.

“And we were also prevented from considering the Larson/Slaughter amendment which would have put an end to gasoline price discrimination based on location, creating a free market for gasoline dealers.

“Instead of another giveaway to big business, we need to send this administration a reality check.

“Our current energy strategy will only further increase our dependence on oil. We must break this chain by implementing a strategy of energy independence.

“I urge my colleagues to vote for a new strategy instead of more of the same. Oppose the rule, and support the Stupak substitute to increase penalties for oil price gouging and do develop a Strategic Refinery Reserve.”
