April 02, 2009

Lee Leads Congressional Delegation to Cuba Tomorrow

For Immediate Release
April 2, 2009

Contact: J. Jioni Palmer or Nicole Y. Williams
(202) 225-2661

Washington D.C. – Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA) announced today that she will lead a congressional delegation to Cuba tomorrow to discuss bilateral relations.

“The election of President Barack Obama presents a great new opportunity to rethink U.S. foreign policy in many regions of the world,” said Lee. “America’s harsh approach toward our nearest Caribbean neighbor divides families, closes an important market to struggling U.S. farmers, harasses our allies and is based on antiquated Cold War era thinking.” 

The other members of the delegations are Reps. Mel Watt of North Carolina, Emanuel Cleaver of Missouri, Marcia Fudge of Ohio, Mike Honda of California, Bobby Rush of Illinois and Laura Richardson of California.

The purpose of the visit is to review policies related to trade and commerce with Cuba, and discuss cultural, health and academic exchanges. 

Lee said she is optimistic that this delegation will demonstrate to the people of Cuba that the America public is interested in building a new relationship based on diplomacy, dignity and respect.

“It is time to have an open an honest discussion about a new way forward for our two nations and it is our hope that this delegation will help to initiate that discussion both here in the US and in Cuba,” Lee said.

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