May 10, 2007

Lee Praises Strong Support for Withdrawal Proposal

(Washington, DC) – As the House took its first up-or-down vote on the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq, Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) characterized the vote as “historic” and the vote in favor of withdrawal as “strong.” While defeat of the measure – which was similar to a proposal to “fully fund withdrawal” drafted by Lee – was expected, it drew far more support than was widely anticipated. The final vote was 171-255.

“This was an historic vote and the strong showing in favor of redeploying our troops was a turning point. While this measure was defeated today, it will prevail,” she said.

The following are her remarks from the floor during debate this afternoon (as delivered):

“Thank you, Mister Speaker and let me thank Chairman Obey, first of all, for your strong and determined effort and your diligent effort to end this war and also I want to thank the gentleman from Massachusetts, Mr. McGovern, for offering this bill.

“HR 2237, it does reflect the goals, the goals, of what we called the ‘Lee Amendment,’ which was sponsored by Congresswomen Waters, Woosley, Watson and Congresswoman Clark.

“But let me tell you, the goal of this bill, as the goal of the Lee Amendment, really is an effort to fully fund the safe and timely redeployment of our troops from Iraq. It is responsible, it is practical, it does not cut the funding, but it designates what the supplemental can be used for, and that is to fully fund a safe withdrawal and redeployment and help the Iraqis stabilize their country, with a diplomatic, social and reconstruction effort.

“Members of Congress now have a choice between standing with the president or the American people who want an end to this occupation or the President, as I said, who wants an open-ended commitment to this failed policy.

“History will record that this war was a deadly mistake. History will document the damage that is has already done to our security and the security of the world, just as it already records the case for the war as fraudulent, something that we all would have known, had the house approved my amendment in 2002, that would have allowed the United Nation’s inspectors to finish their job.

“One day history will record that this unnecessary occupation ended. What remains to be seen is when it will end and at what cost in lives, in treasure, in what cost to our security and the security of those of the world.

“For those members who recognize that the President’s policy is a failure but are concerned about voting to end this failed policy and to redeploy our troops, I have a question for you. At what point will you be comfortable with that vote? When the death toll hits five thousand or ten thousand?

“Please vote for this! Please vote to end this occupation and bring our young men and women home. Please stop the death.”
