November 09, 2005

Lee Secures Funding for 9th District in Appropriations Bills Port, Education and Ex-Offender Funds Will Boost Economy and Reduce Crime

(Washington, DC) – Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) announced that the conference reports for the fiscal year 2006 appropriations bills for Energy and Water and Science State, Justice and Commerce approved by the House yesterday included key funds for her East Bay District.

“These funds are welcome good news at a time when misplaced priorities and budget cuts are reducing money for vital programs that help our communities,” said Lee. “I’m proud to bring federal funds to the East bay that will help our economy, support education and reduce crime.”

The FY ’06 Energy and Water Appropriations bill included $5,585,000 for Operations and Maintenance for the Port of Oakland and $48 million to continue funding the Port of Oakland’s 50 foot dredging project. The dredging project is part of an $800 million expansion project funded by the Port that will improve infrastructure, expand capacity and increase efficiencies throughout the distribution chain.

The Port projects that the finished project will create an additional 8,800 jobs, a $1.9 billion increase in business revenue, and an increase of $55.5 million in local tax revenues. All of the dredged materials will be reused for wetlands restoration, habitat enhancement, and upland use within the San Francisco Bay Area.

The FY ‘06 Science, State, Commerce, Justice Appropriations bill included $600,000 for the Chabot Space and Science Center in Oakland, California for The Future Programs for Humans in Space Education Programs. The project will provide increased public education and outreach to underserved schools and community groups in Oakland, related to Human Exploration of Space. The funds will be used to translate planetarium programs into different languages (Spanish, Chinese) and additional targeted exhibits and equipment.

It also included funds for programs designed to reduce crime and youth violence:

  • $100,000 for the Men of Valor Academy in Oakland, a program that reduces recidivism rates and crime by assisting ex-offenders and high school dropouts age 18 and older to become productive citizens and reintegrate successfully into society. The program provides: housing, meals, counseling, educational training, vocational training and support.

  • $100,000 for the Mentoring Center in Oakland, CA to expand its Transition Program. The program is an intensive re-entry program for young people incarcerated in California Youth Authority returning to the Bay Area. The Mentoring Center has worked successfully with this population for twelve years.

  • $100,000 for Martin Luther King, Jr. Freedom Center in Oakland for youth violence prevention programs. The program seeks to develop skills in conflict resolution, gang prevention, and alternatives to violence for youth.

  • $250,000 for Project Avary programs to support children whose parents are imprisoned.

Lee also announced that the Dr. J. Alfred Smith, Sr. Training Academy in Oakland was awarded a $660,000 from the U. S. Department of Labor’s Prisoner Re-entry Initiative Grants program to support the ongoing work designed to reduce recidivism and the societal costs of re-incarceration by helping individuals find work when they return to communities.
