May 11, 2012

Lee Statement in Opposition to the Sequester Replacement Reconciliation Act

Contact: Kristal DeKleer (202) 225-1882

Washington, D.C. - Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) issued the following statement in opposition to the Sequester Replacement Reconciliation Act, which passed the House with a vote of 218-199: 

“I strongly oppose the Sequester Replacement Reconciliation Act. 

“Today, House Republican leadership is asking low and middle income families to sacrifice their health care and basic services in order to protect a bloated and wasteful pentagon spending and to protect tax cuts for millionaires.

“This out of touch budget to end the Medicare guarantee while giving massive tax breaks to Big Oil and the wealthiest is NOT a serious proposal, Mr. Speaker.

“In these difficult times for millions of struggling families, Republicans are asking that we vote to cut $36 billion from the food stamp program and children’s health services so we can spend more money on cold war weapons that do nothing to improve our national security.

“Our budget should reflect our values. We should not be balancing our budget on the backs of the most vulnerable.

“We do not have to make these heartless cuts that hurt our poor and struggling families.  We do not have to make choices that abandon the needy, our seniors and the futures of our children.

“We must come together to protect people who are struggling, our nation’s children and our elderly during economic downturns, not make them more vulnerable. We must protect and invest in the futures of our most vulnerable families, not dole out more money to the Pentagon for outdated and over budget weapons programs that we don’t need and doesn’t make America any safer.

“We should not be shortchanging the education of our children, risk the health of our seniors and allow our infrastructure to crumble beneath our feet so that bloated defense contractors can keep getting contracts. 

“The priorities on display in this bill are clear and shameful. Once again, the Republicans put millionaires and billionaires, subsides for big oil and gas, and bloated pentagon spending above everyone and everything else.

“As co-chair of the Out of Poverty caucus, I urge my colleagues to reject this attack on our most vulnerable.”


Follow Barbara Lee on Twitter @RepBarbaraLee