March 23, 2006

Lee to Describe “Nation in Crisis” in 2nd “State of the District” Address

(Oakland, CA) – Congresswoman Barbara Lee will give her second annual “State of the District” address at 6:00 pm on Friday evening in the Edward R. Roybal Auditorium of the Ron V. Dellums Federal Building in Oakland. She will review her work on issues ranging from education to violence prevention and healthcare to the war on Iraq, and highlight the contrast between the vision and principles that inform that work and those of the Bush administration and Congress. The following are excerpts from the speech (as prepared):

“We are a nation in profound crisis. The authority of the President, the corruption, oversight by Congress, the role of government, even the meaning of our constitution – all of these things – are in question as we speak.”

… “The mess in Iraq, the warrantless surveillance of Americans, the Abramoff corruption scandals, the massive tax cuts for the wealthy in the face the abandonment of Katrina survivors, these are not isolated events. They are the predictable results of a neo-conservative, right wing government.

“The crisis I am talking about is not a crisis of events. It is not the result of September 11th, or hurricane Katrina, but rather a philosophy of government that threatens our democracy and places a priority on the interests of the wealthy few over those of the majority.”

… “It is common to hear pundits these days say that the Democratic Party doesn’t stand for anything. I don’t believe that…and I believe that our work together and the work I have described to you tonight represents a set of core principles that stand in stark contrast to the cynicism and corruption of the Bush administration and Congress.

“In the face of lawlessness and corruption, we represent a deep belief in serving the public trust and the common good.

“In the face of abuse of power, we represent the democratic insistence on accountability, checks and balances and the rule of law.

“In the face of a reckless unilateralism that has squandered our nation’s standing and left us alone and vulnerable in the world, we represent robust international leadership.

“In the face of an indifference that abandoned African Americans and the poor long before hurricane Katrina tore back the curtain, we represent the belief that every man, woman and child deserves the opportunity to take part in the American Dream.”
