July 31, 2024

Pro-Choice Caucus Co-Chairs Lee & DeGette Recognize the 30th Anniversary of the Reproductive Justice Movement with Resolution

Washington, D.C. – Today, Pro-Choice Caucus Co-Chairs Congresswoman Barbara Lee (CA-12) and Diana DeGette (CO-01) introduced a resolution recognizing July 2024 as the 30th anniversary of the Reproductive Justice movement.

Thirty years ago, a trailblazing group of Black women came together to advance a health agenda centered on the unique concerns and lived experiences of women and girls of color, especially Black women and girls, who faced long standing health disparities. The resolution honors the pioneers of the reproductive justice movement who continue to seek a world in which Black girls, gender nonbinary people, as well as all marginalized people can freely exercise their bodily autonomy. 

“As someone who had an unsafe and illegal abortion before Roe, I know firsthand the risks associated when people are not allowed to make decisions about their own bodies,” said PCC Co-Chair Barbara Lee. “Through their activism and advocacy in this space, the Reproductive Justice movement has made tremendous strides in centering reproductive health around the intersections of race, gender, and ethnicity. I will keep working with my colleagues to amplify their voices and advance the fight for reproductive health care and rights,” Co-Chair Lee continued.

“30 years ago, the reproductive justice movement began to elevate the right to bodily autonomy, make reproductive choices, and pursue a healthy life. This movement’s importance is clearer than ever today as reproductive rights are under assault by an extreme anti-choice agenda,” said Co-Chair DeGette. “This assault, like previous efforts to control women’s bodies, has a disproportionate effect on marginalized communities that bear the brunt of the restrictions. I am proud to join with Rep. Lee to commemorate 30 years of the reproductive justice movement and redouble our efforts to protect reproductive freedom for all.”

“We are proud to work with U.S. House Representatives Barbara Lee and Diana DeGette on this resolution in recognition of the 30th Anniversary of the Reproductive Justice Movement,” said Regina Davis Moss, President and CEO of In Our Own Voice: National Black Women’s Reproductive Justice Agenda. “Our movement’s foremothers understood then what many of us understand now — the sole push for abortion legality was never enough in order to protect bodily autonomy for Black women and gender-expansive people. We need a holistic, federal strategy in place that gives us the economic, social, political power and resources necessary to make our own, healthy decisions about our bodies. This resolution honors the bold visions of our foremothers, whose hard work and transformative ideas laid the necessary groundwork for us to continue the fight toward Reproductive Justice. We are thankful to Representatives Lee and DeGette for introducing this resolution, and for their tireless efforts in Congress to advance reproductive freedom.”

The resolution is endorsed by In Our Own Voice: National Black Women’s Reproductive Justice Agenda, SisterSong, the National Asian Pacific American Women’s Forum (NAPAWF)and the National Latina Institute for Reproductive Justice.

Click here to read the resolution.