September 28, 2018

Pro-Choice Caucus Co-Chairs Slam Judiciary Committee Vote on Kavanaugh: “Senate Republicans Have Violated The Public’s Trust”

Washington, D.C. – Congressional Pro-Choice Caucus Co-Chairs Barbara Lee (D-CA) and Diana DeGette (D-CO), today issued the following statement on the decision to move forward with a vote on Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination, despite multiple credible accusations of sexual misconduct:

“The decision to move ahead with a vote today cements what we’ve suspected all along: yesterday’s hearing was a sham. If Senate Republicans took these allegations seriously, they would abandon their manufactured deadlines and pursue an independent investigation. Instead, they chose to put a sexual assault survivor on trial.

“This vote sends a chilling message. Dr. Christine Blasey Ford risked her safety and her privacy to report her assault. But instead of honoring her courageous decision, Senate Republicans have stonewalled any serious examination of Judge Kavanaugh’s actions.

“Judge Kavanaugh is unfit to serve on the Supreme Court. By putting politics ahead of justice, Senate Republicans have violated the public’s trust and made a mockery of this process.”
