June 28, 2005

Progressive Caucus Launches “The Progressive Promise”

(Washington, DC) - The Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC) unveiled their core principles and priorities at a reception this evening on Capitol Hill. Billed as an alternative to the Bush Administration's "Ownership Society," the CPC's "Progressive Promise" outlines an action agenda under the broad principles of "fighting for economic justice and security in the US and global economies," "protecting and preserving civil rights and civil liberties," and "promoting global peace and security."

"'The Progressive Promise' represents a blueprint for a Progressive governing majority and a vision for what a Progressive America can and will accomplish," said CPC Co-Chair, Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland). "It is a moral document that has its priorities straight: it puts the basic needs of people above corporate greed, it safeguards and promotes our best democratic principles, and it offers a vision of US leadership in the world."

“We are in the midst of a Progressive awakening in this country and I have never been more confident and optimistic about the future of Progressive Politics,” said CPC Co-Chair, Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey (D-Petaluma). “Rep. Barbara Lee and I look forward to working with the Democratic Caucus in leading a forceful, impassioned and organized opposition to the Bush Administration’s agenda.”

The 59 members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus were honored at a reception co-hosted by an array of national progressive organizations, including the Institute for Policy Studies, The Nation Magazine, Moveon.org, National Priorities Project, Jobs with Justice Campaign, Peace Action, Americans for Democratic Action, and Progressive Democrats of America. Also co-sponsoring the event were the NAACP, ACLU, Progressive Majority, League of United Latin American Citizens, Rainbow/Push Coalition, National Council of La Raza, Hip Hop Caucus, Human Rights Campaign, Association of Farmworker Opportunity Programs, and the Hip Hop Political Convention.

“Americans know that Bush’s ‘Ownership Society’ is just another way of dismantling the social safety net,” said Woolsey. “The Progressive Promise’ sets out a vision that is plain and simple: the needs of Americans come before the desires of the powerful and wealthy.”

"The Progressive movement in this country is growing and the Congressional Progressive Caucus is growing with it," said Lee. "Progressives have forged new and powerful ways to join and influence the debate here in Washington, and the CPC will continue to engage this critical movement and to give voice to their concerns."



The Congressional Progressive Caucus offers the Progressive Promise for all. We believe in government of the people, by the people, and for the people. Our fairness plan is rooted in our core principles. It also embodies national priorities that are consistent with the values, needs, and hopes of all our people, not just the powerful and the privileged. We pledge our unwavering commitment to these legislative priorities and we will not rest until they become law.



To uphold the right to universal access to affordable, high quality healthcare for all.

To preserve guaranteed Social Security benefits for all Americans, protect private pensions, and require corporate accountability.

To invest in America and create new jobs in the U.S. by building more affordable housing, re-building America’s schools and physical infrastructure, cleaning up our environment, and improving homeland security.

To export more American products and not more American jobs and demand fair trade.

To reaffirm freedom of association and enforce the right to organize.

To ensure working families can live above the poverty line and with dignity by raising and indexing the minimum wage.



To sunset expiring provisions of the Patriot Act and bring remaining provisions into line with the U. S. Constitution.

To protect the personal privacy of all Americans from unbridled police powers and unchecked government intrusion.

To extend the Voting Rights Act and reform our electoral processes.

To fight corporate consolidation of the media and ensure opportunity for all voices to be heard.

To ensure enforcement of all legal rights in the workplace.

To eliminate all forms of discrimination based upon color, race, religion, gender, creed, disability, or sexual orientation.


To honor and help our overburdened international public servants – both military and civilian.

To bring U. S. troops home from Iraq as soon as possible.

To re-build U.S. alliances around the world, restore international respect for American power and influence, and reaffirm our nation’s constructive engagement in the United Nations and other multilateral organizations.

To enhance international cooperation to reduce the threats posed by nuclear proliferation and weapons of mass destruction.

To increase efforts to combat hunger and the scourge of HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria, and other infectious diseases.

To encourage debt relief for poor countries and support efforts to reach the UN’s Millennium Goals for Developing Countries.