May 09, 2007

Progressives Force Vote on Fully Funded Withdrawal from Iraq

Contact: Nathan Britton 202-225-2661 (Lee), Chris Shields 202-225-5161 (Woolsey), Mikael Moore 202-225-2201 (Waters)

Washington, DC - After months of behind the scenes wrangling, the Congressional Progressive Caucus, and the Out Of Iraq Caucus succeeded in getting a vote on a measure calling for the fully funded withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq within 180 days, a position advanced for months by Members of both groups, and made part of the CPC's official platform in February. The legislation, which was introduced last night by Congressman Jim McGovern (D-MA), will be the first in a series of three votes that the House will take up today on Iraq.

"This bill is in keeping with the CPC and OOIC priorities to end the occupation in Iraq and provide security and sovereignty for the Iraqi people. In fact, it largely mirrors the provisions in the "Lee Amendment," which was presented before the Rules Committee earlier this year during consideration of the first Supplemental," wrote caucus leaders Lynn Woolsey (D-CA), Barbara Lee (D-CA) and Maxine Waters (D-CA) in a letter to progressive members early this morning. "We are pleased that the Congress will get to vote on the issues which are core to our Caucus' beliefs, and encourage you to vote for it.

"We applaud the work of Speaker Pelosi and her leadership team for the tremendous work they have done to bring an end to the occupation of Iraq, and see this vote as a great step forward."
