February 16, 2005

Rep. Barbara Lee Moves to Help Haiti

Bills Would Build Health Infrastructure, Investigate Coup

(Washington, DC) – Rep. Barbara Lee re-introduced two pieces of legislation on Haiti today, a bill to strengthen Haiti’s health infrastructure and a bill to investigate the role of the US government in the coup that removed President Jean-Bertand Aristide from power in February of last year.

“Today in Haiti less than 45% of Haitians have access to safe water and access to sanitation and Haiti accounts for 90 percent of AIDS cases in the Caribbean,” said Rep. Lee. “My bill, the New Partnership for Haiti Act of 2005, offers a comprehensive plan where Haitians and Americans work together to address these issues and rebuild the nation’s health infrastructure.”

The New Partnership for Haiti Act will provide technical assistance and resources to expand and develop Haiti’s health sector through local partnerships for sanitation and water project, use of the Army Corps. of Engineers for road development to major health clinics, especially in rural Haiti, and fight infectious diseases, like HIV/AIDS, while improving healthcare infrastructure and expanding care. The bill will also create a pilot program for American Health Professionals and Engineers who are interested in going to Haiti and helping with the development process.

“It is my hope that a transfer of knowledge from US professionals in the fields of health and engineering to Haitians will ensure long term development and guarantee the success of the programs similar to the success of the Global Fund and other international initiatives,” said Rep. Lee. “By broadening the knowledge base of non-governmental organizations and professionals in Haiti, the US will take advantage of a unique opportunity and obligation towards Haiti’s future.”

Rep. Lee also reintroduced the Haiti TRUTH (The Responsibility to Uncover the Truth about Haiti) Act, a bill to form a TRUTH commission to investigate the role of the Bush administration in Haiti prior to the exile of President Aristide.

“This is an issue of democracy,” said Rep. Lee. “We would oppose the overthrow our own government, and we must oppose the overthrow of other democratically elected governments. The American people deserve to know the TRUTH about just what happened.”

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