March 29, 2023

Reps. Lee, Frost, Hayes Introduce Resolution Supporting Climate Education in Schools

Washington DC – Today, Representatives Barbara Lee (CA-12), Maxwell Frost (FL-10), and Jahana Hayes (CT-5) introduced H.Res. 262, Supporting the Teaching of Climate Education in Schools. 

The resolution was written by students themselves, many of whom have firsthand experience with climate disasters.

“As the demographic with the most to lose to climate change, it would be a massive disservice not to teach students today about the threat of the climate crisis—and to empower them with the education and tools they need to fight it,” said Rep. Lee. “Solution-focused climate education must be a top priority in schools across the United States. I am proud to introduce this resolution with Rep. Hayes, the first Gen-Z member of Congress Rep. Frost, and the support of a broad coalition of parents, teachers, school boards, advocates, and most importantly, students.”

“The next generation of Americans are growing up in a world that feels like it’s been predetermined for them. We cannot let that be the case when it comes to tackling climate change,” said Rep. Frost. “Climate education has to be a priority in our schools and in our communities so we can leave this Earth better than we found it. So our people can thrive and the generation after ours has a home they can be proud of. The time is now, the climate can’t wait.”

“Extreme weather events have become so common that they are viewed as normal and will continue until action is taken. Young people living through this, should receive an evidence-based climate education so they may live safe, healthy lives,” said Rep. Hayes. “With increased knowledge and understanding, not only will young people be better positioned to discover innovative climate solutions, but they will also experience reduced levels of trauma from knowing how to mitigate the impacts of climate change. I thank my colleagues, Congresswoman Lee, and Congressman Frost, for their commitment to students and climate action.”

The bill text can be found here.

Endorsements: Schools for Climate Action, National Education Association, American Federation of Teachers, National Indian Education Association, National PTA, American Psychological Association, Moms Clean Air Force, Sierra Club, UNICEF USA, First Focus Campaign for Children, Friends of the Earth; see the list of 100+ organizations HERE.