December 18, 2009

Reps. Lee, McGovern, Jones and Colleagues ask Speaker for Up-Or-Down Vote on Military Escalation in Afghanistan

For Immediate Release
December 18, 2009

Contact: Nicole Y. Williams
(202) 225-2661

Washington, DC – Representatives Barbara Lee (D-CA), James McGovern (D-MA), and Walter Jones (R-NC) joined a bipartisan group of Members in delivering a letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi requesting that Members of the House are provided the opportunity for a separate debate and up-or-down vote on the President’s proposal to escalate the United States military presence in Afghanistan.

“President Obama spent three months reviewing and deliberating United States strategy in Afghanistan. At the very least, Congress owes our men and women in uniform an honest debate regarding the benefits, costs, affordability, and strategic importance of a military escalation,” said Lee. “Our responsibility to ensure the U.S. is most effectively and sustainably combating terrorism around the globe will not be fulfilled by sidestepping this critical debate.”

“President Obama’s decision is a big deal, and Congress has a role to play,” said Rep. McGovern.  “We haven’t had a full, meaningful debate about this critical issue in 8 years.  Now is the time for Congress to act.”

“Those of us who have signed this letter have differing views on how to move forward in Afghanistan,” said Rep. Jones. “I, for example, do not believe that ‘doubling down’ on the strategy of propping up the Karzai regime in Afghanistan is the correct strategy, but rather we should work with and through the tribal structures that have existed in the country for centuries.  We can all, however, agree that this is an issue that deserves a debate.  The American people deserve a debate on something that could so deeply affect their loved ones and their country.”   
The letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi expressed the urgency of holding such a vote prior to the deployment of additional troops to Afghanistan, or otherwise as soon as possible. It further reiterated the importance of Congress’ role and responsibility in overseeing and providing for our nation’s commitments while at war.

The text of the letter and list of co-signers follows:

December 18, 2009

The Honorable Nancy Pelosi
Speaker of the House
U.S. House of Representatives
Room H-232, U.S. Capitol
Washington, DC 20515

Dear Madam Speaker:

We write to urge you to ensure the House will hold a separate debate and floor vote on the President’s proposal to escalate the United States military presence in Afghanistan.

President Obama has estimated that the deployment of 30,000 additional troops to Afghanistan will increase the military costs of the war by $30 billion a year. Members may agree or disagree with the President’s decision in pursuing a military escalation in Afghanistan, but we all appreciate your response to the President’s announcement that “The American people and the Congress will now have an opportunity to fully examine this strategy.”

At a time when the American economy continues to face enormous challenges and individuals across the country are struggling to get by, these costs are especially worthy of Congressional deliberation.

Congress’s consideration of the President’s revised policy in Afghanistan will be critical to reasserting the undisputed role and responsibility of the Legislative Branch in overseeing and providing for our nation’s commitments while at war. To that end, when the resources required for the proposed troop increase are brought to the floor for consideration, we believe it is vital that the House is provided an opportunity for a robust floor debate and up-or-down vote on the issue of a military escalation. Ideally, this should occur prior to the deployment of any additional troops to Afghanistan, or otherwise as soon as possible.

Thank you for your leadership on this issue. We look forward to working with you to ensure Congress holds an honest and full debate regarding the benefits, costs, affordability, and strategic importance of a military escalation in Afghanistan.


List of Co-signers:

Congresswoman Barbara Lee
Congressman James P. McGovern
Congressman Walter B. Jones
Congresswoman Lynn C. Woolsey
Congressman Eric J. J. Massa
Congressman Fortney Pete Stark
Congressman Raúl M. Grijalva
Congressman Bob Filner
Congressman Keith Ellison
Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin
Congressman Jerrold Nadler
Congressman José E. Serrano
Congressman Michael M. Honda
Congressman James P. Moran
Congressman Michael E. Capuano
Congresswoman Janice D. Schakowsky
Congressman Barney Frank
Congressman Peter A. DeFazio
