November 23, 2014

Statement on the Passing of Mayor Marion Barry

Congresswoman Barbara Lee released this statement on Mayor Marion Barry's life and legacy.

"I am deeply saddened by the passing of Mayor Barry. My thoughts and prayers go out to his friends and family.

I had the honor of knowing and working with Mayor Barry for many years, as a Member of Congress and as a Congressional staffer.

Mayor Barry was a tireless fighter for the people of Washington, D.C. and the African American community. 

As Mayor, he worked to achieve equal representation for the city, to grow the city's economy and to ensure public safety. 

As the first chairman of SNCC, he played a critical role in organizing the grassroots efforts that would make the Civil Rights Movement a success. He continued to be a tireless champion for equality and justice throughout his life.

He will be greatly missed by all."


Congresswoman Lee is a member of the Appropriations and Budget Committees, the Steering and Policy Committee, is a Senior Democratic Whip, former chair of the Congressional Black Caucus and co-chair of the Progressive Caucus. She serves as chair of the Whip’s Task Force on Poverty and Opportunity.