October 06, 2022

Congresswoman Lee Applauds Pardons for People Convicted of Marijuana Possession

Washington, DC – Congresswoman Barbara Lee, Co-Chair of the Congressional Cannabis Caucus, issued the following statement upon the Biden administration announcement that the President will issue a pardon for all those with federal convictions for simple possession of marijuana and instruct a review of marijuana scheduling by federal agencies:

”Today, President Biden took a step in the right direction by pardoning the many people convicted of simple marijuana possession under federal law. The racist and harmful war on drugs has wreaked havoc on countless individuals and their families, especially people of color who have been unjustly targeted for decades. 

“No one should be in prison for possessing a substance that is legal in some form in the majority of states in this country. As Co-Chair of the Congressional Cannabis Caucus, I commend the Biden Administration for taking this huge step toward commonsense cannabis policy and urging governors to do the same for those with state offenses on their record.

“I also echo the President’s call for HHS and AG to review cannabis placement as a Schedule I controlled substance. Extensive research has proven that is does not fit the criteria for Schedule I listing.

“Thank you again to President Biden and to all of the activists whose continuous work has made this possible. I look forward to working with my colleagues on the Congressional Cannabis Caucus and in Congress to continue delivering real, meaningful action on cannabis reform. The war on drugs has ruined countless lives. Ending it is long overdue.”



Congresswoman Lee is a member of the House Appropriations Committee and Chair of the Subcommittee on State and Foreign Operations. She serves as Co-Chair of the Steering & Policy Committee, former Chair of the Congressional Black Caucus, Chair Emeritus of the Progressive Caucus, Co-Chair of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus Health Task Force, and Co-Chair of the Pro-Choice Caucus. She also serves as Chair of the Majority Leader’s Task Force on Poverty and Opportunity. As a member of the House Democratic Leadership, she is the highest ranking Black woman in the U.S. Congress.