October 06, 2005

Barbara Lee Blasts GOP Gas Bill as an Industry Giveaway and an Attack on the Environment

(Washington, DC) – Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) spoke out forcefully on the House floor today against H.R.3893, the Republican “Gasoline for America's Security Act of 2005” that the House will debate and vote on tomorrow. The following are her remarks:

“Mr. Speaker, Republicans in Congress lost no time in turning the tragedy of hurricane Katrina into an opportunity to enrich their friends in the oil industry at the expense of the American people.

“The ‘Gasoline for America's Security Act of 2005’ should be called the ‘Second Energy Special Interest Act of 2005.’

“Energy companies got $12.8 billion in subsidies and tax breaks just two months ago. Now, Republicans are giving them a bill filled with the measures that were too objectionable to go in the first time around.

“This bill is a polluter-friendly giveaway that has nothing to do with helping hurricane victims or securing America's energy needs.

“Not only does this bill do nothing for Americans facing soaring gas or home heating prices, it guts clean air protections and undermines the Environmental Protection Agency.

“Only the profit-soaked oil and gas companies win with this bill. The rest of us are stuck paying higher energy prices in the short run and the incalculable long term costs that will result from compromising our environment and failing to achieve energy independence.”
