December 27, 2007

Barbara Lee Calls Bush Saudi Arms Deal An Escalation In The Arms Race

Press Release from Congresswoman Barbara Lee
Ninth Congressional District of California

For Immediate Release: December 28, 2007
Contact: Cleve Mesidor (202) 225-2661

(Washington, DC) – Congresswoman Barbara Lee (Oakland) issued the following statement on the Bush administration intentions to formally announce their plan to sell precision-guided bombs to Saudi Arabia this January, despite significant Congressional opposition:

“This arms package is reckless and has the potential to create a powder keg that can ultimately spark a regional arms race. It appears that, once again, this Republican administration is out of touch with reality if they think that they can buy peace through arms.

“Selling precision-guided bombs to Saudi Arabia will only flare up an already volatile region and further weaken our national security. I will work with my colleagues in Congress to block these arms sales.”

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