August 21, 2010

Barbara Lee Comments on Withdrawal of Combat Troops from Iraq

For Immediate Release

Contact: Nicole Y. Williams

Washington, DC – Congresswoman Barbara Lee released the following statement regarding the withdrawal of the remaining combat troops from Iraq earlier this week.

“It’s been seven years since, President George W. Bush launched our nation into one of the most disastrous, misguided, and dangerous military actions in our history in Iraq. 

“As the daughter of a military veteran, I understand the sacrifices our service members and their families have made. Our brave men and women have served honorably and done everything we have asked of them.

“I opposed the war and occupation from the start, and have worked consistently to end it.
“Thankfully, we are finally seeing the withdrawal of combat troops in Iraq, but there are no guarantees that the war in Iraq is a done deal.  
“I have consistently worked on a bipartisan basis to ensure that no permanent bases be built in Iraq,  and will continue to remain firm in oversight of the transition in my roles on both the Foreign Affairs Committee and the Appropriations State Foreign Operations Subcommittee. We must we stick to our timetable for complete withdrawal of forces. There can be no backsliding on that and I plan to keep the pressure on the Administration to follow through on this.

“And as we begin to wrap up one unnecessary war- we must move to end the war in Afghanistan."
