August 18, 2006

Barbara Lee Holds Town Hall Meeting to Unveil Agenda for a "New Direction for America"

(Oakland, CA) – As Californians face record gas prices, soaring healthcare costs, stagnating wages and rising inflation, Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) held a town hall meeting to unveil a new Democratic legislative agenda designed to provide a “New Direction for America.”

“Five and a half years of failed Bush administration policies have left our country less safe and closed the door of opportunity to millions of Americans – it’s time for a new direction,” said Lee.

East Bay residents and local experts detailed the local impact of failed Bush administration policies and discussed specific policies designed to create real security, help working families, make healthcare more affordable, cut college costs, ensure dignified retirement and lower gas prices and achieve energy independence.

“Financial Aid professionals are concerned with the rising costs of higher education and the stagnant funding for financial aid. Pell Grants have not increased in five years, students are more dependent on expensive loan programs, and the cost effective and efficient direct loan program is in jeopardy. All of these issues have a direct impact of the quality of life and opportunities for our youth,” said Priscilla Muha, Associate Director of Financial Aid at UC Berkeley.

"It is important that America redirect its energy policy to one that will lead us toward independence from foreign oil, create new and good jobs, and help protect our environment for generations to come," said Jerome Ringo, president of the Apollo Alliance.

In addition to Muha and Ringo, participants also heard from Oakland Fire Chief Daniel Farrell, who discussed Homeland Security; Shirley M. Bordelon, Health Insurance Specialist, who discussed affordable health care; Wendall Chin, Coalition Director, Alameda County Central Labor Council, who talked about jobs and the economy; and Betty Mulholland, Congresswoman Lee’s Delegate to the White House Conference on Aging, who talked about ensuring retirement security.
