September 10, 2008

Barbara Lee Introduces Legislation Requiring Congressional Approval of Bilateral U.S.-Iraq Security Agreement

Press Release 
For Immediate Release 
Sept 10, 2008 

Contact:  Ricci Graham
(510) 763-0370

H.R. 6846 will prohibit President from unilaterally deploying U.S. armed forces or expending public funds to guarantee the security of Iraq

(Washington, D.C.) – Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) introduced today the Iraq Security Agreement Act of 2008, which prohibits the President from unilaterally deploying U.S. armed forces or expending public funds to guarantee the security of Iraq without prior approval of Congress. This legislation complements a similar measure introduced recently in the Senate by Senator Joe Biden.

“This bill puts Congress clearly on record in support of the bedrock principle that congressional involvement and approval is required before the President can enter into any agreement obligating the United States to the defense of Iraq from internal or external threats,” said Congresswoman Lee.

In requiring Congressional authorization and approval of any security agreement between the United States and Iraq, H.R. 6846 codifies the key amendment to the Defense Authorization bill offered by Congresswoman Lee and adopted earlier this year by a bipartisan majority of the House of Representatives.

“An agreement to commit American troops to the defense and security of another country is not routine or typical or minor. It is a major commitment that must have the support of the American people, which can only be reflected by the Congress of the United States. My legislation ensures that the Congress has the final say in determining whether and under what conditions the United States will commit more blood and treasure to guarantee the security of the sovereign nation of Iraq.”

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