January 17, 2006

Barbara Lee Joins Democratic Leadership to Unveil "Honest Leadership, Open Government" Reform Package

(Washington, DC) - Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) returned to Washington today to join House and Senate Democrats in unveiling their "Honest Leadership, Open Government" Act, an aggressive reform package to reverse Republican excesses and protect the public trust.

"Republican-controlled Washington has become infected with a Culture of Corruption, and the American people are paying the price," said Lee. "While Republicans reward the wealthy and special interests, the priorities of the American people go unaddressed. That is why Democrats are offering real reforms to clean up Washington."

Lee unveiled the "Honest Leadership, Open Government" Act in the historic Great Hall at the Library of Congress, where Members of Congress were joined by an audience of groups working to protect the public trust and force Congress to focus on the priorities of the American people.

The Honest Leadership and Open Government Act will focus reforms on four key areas.

  • It will close the revolving door between government and K Street lobbying firms by strengthening the ban on lobbying by former Members of Congress and senior government officials after they leave to work in the private sector, and require lawmakers to disclose when they are negotiating private-sector jobs to shine the light on conflicts of interest.
  • It will fix the gift and travel rules that allowed the Jack Abramoffs of the world to buy Republican influence in Congress, ensuring that legislation will never again be written in smoky back rooms by industry lobbyists.
  • It will put an end to the K Street project, in which Republicans have limited political access to corporations and lobbying firms who hire Republicans and contribute heavily to Republican campaigns.
  • It will increase accountability in government, and allow the public to see exactly what their elected representatives are doing in Washington.

"People in the Bay Area and around the country are paying the price for this Republican-bred culture of corruption in Washington," said Lee. "Whether it is through unjustly higher prescription drug prices, unreasonable increases in living costs, or the delayed, uncoordinated response to Hurricane Katrina, the effects of the corrupt Republican practices are felt by countless Americans. No longer can American families suffer while special interests benefit. We must eliminate the Republican culture of corruption and restore truth and trust to government - for the sake of all Americans."

More information about the "Honest Leadership, Open Government" reform package, including the text of the bill, is available at http://www.democrats.gov .
