July 26, 2010

Barbara Lee Recognizes 60th Anniversary of Korean War, Armistice Signing

For Immediate Release

Contact: Nicole Y. Williams
(202) 225-2661

Washington, DC – In recognizing the 60th Anniversary of the outbreak of the Korean War, and commemorating the signing of the Armistice that brought an end to the fighting, Congresswoman Barbara Lee (CA-09) issued the following statement:

“This year marks the 60th Anniversary of the Korean War, and the 57th anniversary of the signing of the Armistice that ended the fighting on July 27th, 1953. We must reflect not only upon the enduring strength of the U.S.-Korea relationship, but also on the past and present suffering of millions of Korean and Korean-American families caused by the hostilities on the Korean Peninsula,” said Congresswoman Lee.

“I have long stood against the scourge of pre-emptive and endless war and advocated in support of constructive diplomacy and engagement.

"The Armistice was only intended as a temporary measure to stop open hostilities until a permanent accord could be reached. It is my sincere hope that this somber milestone can also serve as a call to action in working toward a proactive and peaceful resolution to the situation on the Korean Peninsula. 60 years is enough."

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