March 02, 2006

Barbara Lee Responds to GOP Rejection of NSA Spying Oversight

(Oakland, CA) - Congresswoman Barbara Lee denounced the House Intelligence Committee decision yesterday, on a party-line vote of 10 to 8, to strike down a privileged resolution introduced by Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland), calling on the administration to provide Congress all information related to the National Security Agency's warrantless surveillance of Americans.

“It is our duty as lawmakers to demand oversight and accountability in Washington,” said Lee. “The failure of Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee to support this resolution calling on the administration to provide more information on their illegal domestic spying program reflects their continuing disregard for conducting any meaningful oversight.”

Congresswoman Lee introduced the resolution in December, 2005 as a response to the Bush administration's claims that the President had the authority, under both the Constitution and the September 14th “Use Of Force” resolution, to authorize a warrantless domestic surveillance program.

“Congress must send the message that the Bush administration can no longer exhibit such blatant disregard for America's Constitution and its laws,” said Lee. “By striking down this resolution, Republicans on the committee have neglected to ensure full and complete oversight and, in turn, have failed to hold the administration accountable for this gross abuse of power.”
