July 11, 2012

Barbara Lee Stands with the American People and Votes Against the Repeal of Health Reform

For Immediate Release: July 11, 2012

Contact: Katherine Jolly,510-763-0370                      

Barbara Lee Stands with the American People and Votes Against the Repeal of Health Reform

WASHINGTON, DC– Today, Barbara Lee (D-CA) stood with the American people and voted against the repeal of healthcare reform which is already protecting patients and improving healthcare for millions of seniors and families.  Additionally, Rep. Lee and other House Democrats offered a final amendment to the GOP bill that would require Members of Congress to forfeit their own taxpayer-subsidized health care benefits if they voted to take away health care protections from families across the country.  The GOP-led House defeated the amendment.    

“Americans have spoken loud and clear about the need for reliable and affordable health care for all and I am proud to have worked with my colleagues to pass the Affordable Care Act in 2010,” said Rep. Lee.  “One of the most conservative Courts in a generation has found the provisions of the health care law constitutional and it is past time to end the obstructionist tactics of the Tea Party.  Repealing healthcare reform would have devastating impacts to low-income and middle-class families and this Congress needs to get serious about our nation’s economic recovery and pass a comprehensive jobs bill.”

Instead of working to create jobs, House Republicans are wasting time on voting to take away patient protections millions of Americans are already seeing thanks to the Affordable Care Act:

·         No lifetime limit on coverage for 105 million Americans.

·         Up to 17 million children with pre-existing conditions can no longer be denied coverage by insurers.

·         6.6 million young adults up to age 26 have taken advantage of the law to obtain health insurance through their parents’ plan.

·         Free coverage for comprehensive preventive services for millions of women starting in August.

·         86 million Americans, including 32 million seniors in Medicare, have already received free preventive services.

·         5.3 million seniors in the ‘donut hole’ have already saved $3.7 billion on their prescription drugs.

·         3.4 million free senior Annual Wellness Visits under Medicare to date.

·         The Small Business Health Care Tax Credit has already been used by 360,000 small businesses to help insure 2 million workers.

·         $1.1 billion in rebates from health insurance companies this summer will help benefit nearly 13 million Americans.


Follow Barbara Lee on Twitter@RepBarbaraLee