July 13, 2012

Congresswoman Lee Introduces Bi-Partisan Resolution Calling for Continued International Cooperation to Combat HIV/AIDS

Contact: Kristal DeKleer


Washington, D.C. – Congresswoman Barbara Lee (CA-09) introduced a House resolution expressing support for continued international cooperation to combat HIV/AIDS.  The resolution was co-sponsored by Rep. Jim McDermott (D-WA) and Rep. Trent Franks (R-AZ) who are both co-chairs of the Congressional HIV/AIDS Caucus, and Rep. Howard Berman (D-CA), Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL), Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC), and Alcee Hastings (D-FL). 

An estimated 34,000,000 people around the world are living with HIV, yet 1 in 5 individuals in the U.S. is unaware of being infected.  The good news is that new HIV infections worldwide are at their lowest levels since 1997 and recent scientific advancements have resulted in revolutionary breakthroughs in the AIDS response.  Significant disparities persist across different communities and populations with regard to incidence of infection, access to treatment, and health outcomes, and the resolution calls for the engagement of civil society as a critically component to any global strategy to end AIDS.

H.Con.Res. 131 recognizes the XIX International AIDS Conference as a unique opportunity to change the course of the HIV/AIDS epidemic by capitalizing on scientific advances in treatment and prevention, building consensus to maximizing results, facilitating public-private partnerships, and accelerating momentum towards a cure.  Known as AIDS 2012, the International AIDS Conference, runs July 22-27 in Washington, D.C., marking a dramatic return to U.S. soil of this major biannual global health gathering after a hiatus of 22 years. More than 20,000 persons from around the world will attend.  Congresswoman Barbara Lee, a founding co-chair of the Congressional HIV/AIDS Caucus, will speak at the opening plenary session on July 22, 2012. 

“AIDS is still the greatest humanitarian crisis of our lifetime,” said Congresswoman Lee. “As we work to turn the tide together, America’s need for a greater AIDS response underscores that AIDS 2012 is an important and long overdue opportunity for our domestic epidemic to become part of a global effort.”


Follow Barbara Lee on Twitter @RepBarbaraLee

Congresswoman Lee has been a leader in the fight against the global HIV/AIDS pandemic. She co-authored legislation signed into law creating the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria in 2000, the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) in 2003, the PEPFAR Reauthorization Act in 2008, and in 2005 legislation addressing the needs of orphans and vulnerable children affected by HIV/AIDS.  She has also been a leader in the effort to establish a National AIDS Strategy, and is a member of the Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health, Human Services & Education with jurisdiction over all domestic HIV/AIDS funding.  She is the only United States representative on United Nations Development Programme’s Global Commission on HIV and the Law and was the original sponsor of legislation that lead to the repeal of the Immigration and Travel ban that barred the entry of HIV positive individuals. The repeal allowed the International AIDS conference - scheduled for July 2012 in Washington DC - to be held in the U.S. after 20 years.