May 08, 2008

Barbara Lee Statement on Supplemental Bill

Press Release

For Immediate Release: May 8, 2008
Contact: Cleve Mesidor, (202) 225-2661

Barbara Lee Statement on Supplemental Bill

(Washington, DC) – Congresswoman Barbara Lee (CA-9) delivered the following remarks during a press conference today regarding the upcoming House vote on the Iraq war Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2008:

“Before Congress adjourns for the Memorial Day district work period, Members of the House will be called upon to consider President Bush’s request for additional funding to wage the preemptive war and occupation he launched in Iraq.

“I will vote against providing additional funding for the war and occupation in Iraq. I am unalterably opposed to giving a president – any president, but especially this president – $180 billion with no strings attached to continue this misguided, mismanaged, and misrepresented misadventure in the Middle East.

“Not another dime for this war and occupation!

“The American people want a responsible and safe redeployment from Iraq and my colleagues and I here today will be offering three amendments to the rules committee that are designed to do exactly that.

“The amendment I will offer - which I have offered before- the so called Lee amendment- would “fence off” all of the military funding and set it aside to be used solely for the purpose of the safe and orderly redeployment of our troops and military contractors from Iraq. This effort to fully fund the safe and timely redeployment of our troops and military contractors would begin immediately. We believe this position has widespread support within our Caucus and is supported by a majority of Americans.

“The sad fact is that in the last five years, this Administration has spent nearly a half trillion dollars on the Iraq war and occupation. With no end in sight.

“Instead of making America safer the occupation has created a generation of future enemies incensed by the endless occupation of their country by a foreign power.

“Our troops are stuck in the middle of sectarian conflict, refereeing a civil war. The value of the dollar has declined, oil prices have quadrupled, and many are paying four bucks for a gallon of gas!

“The war and occupation has undermined our nation’s credibility, divided our country, and diverted national attention from the real and urgent challenges facing the American people. Problems like the foreclosure crisis, astronomically high gas prices, the lack of good jobs, affordable health care, and quality education.

“We must end this war and the best way to do it is to fully fund redeployment starting now.

“And when we bring them home, we must bring them all home and that means no permanent military bases in Iraq.

“So, I along with my colleagues here will continue our efforts to end this war and occupation and will make an effort to amend the supplemental to do exactly that.”

Congresswoman Barbara Lee (CA-9) serves on the Foreign Affairs Committee and the Appropriations Committee. She is Co-founder of the Out of Iraq Caucus and the Co-chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus.

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