December 11, 2009

Barbara Lee Supports Consolidated Appropriations Bill

For Immediate Release
December 11, 2009

Contact: Nicole Y. Williams
(202) 225-2661

Secures Over $18 Million for District Projects

Washington, DC – Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee voted in favor of H.R. 3288, the Consolidated Appropriations Act of fiscal year 2010. The legislation passed the house by a 221 – 202 vote with one member voting “present”.

“I am pleased to announce that I was able to secure over $18 million to help fund projects for California 9th District.”

Some of the projects in the 9th Congressional District of California that will receive funding through the Omnibus Appropriations Act include:


  • $575,000, Eden Housing, Hayward, CA, Digital Connectors At-Risk Youth Program Expansion
  • $250,000 Oakland Housing and Career Center, Covenant House California
  • $250,000 Clean Slate Clinic for Community Reentry & Reintegration, East Bay Community Law Center, Berkeley
  • $125,000 Oakland Center for Public Safety at Merritt College, Peralta Community College District
  • $100,000 Juvenile Delinquency Prevention Center for Building Our Community Green

Energy & Water

  • $1,000,000 Corps of Engineers/Construction, Oakland Harbor (50 foot project), CA
  • $10,000,000 Corps of Engineers/O&M, Oakland Harbor, CA

Financial Services

  • $250,000 East Bay Green Jobs Project, City of Berkeley
  • $50,000 Hispanic Business Education and Training Program, Hispanic Business Education and Training, Inc.
  • $50,000 Economic Vitality of Minority Businesses in Oakland, Oakland African American Chamber of Commerce Foundation
  • $50,000 Economic Vitality of Asian Minority Business Program, Oakland Chinatown Chamber of Commerce


  • $250,000 - City of Emeryville for the Center of Community Life for Family Counseling Programs and Early Childhood Development – City School Parenting Center 
  • $250,000 - Girl’s Inc. for Promoting Literacy and Family Literacy for Underserved Communities
  • $300,000 - Alameda County Library Foundation for the Campaign to Open a New Castro Valley Library
  • $300,000 - Alameda County Department of Public Health, Office of AIDS - for the High Risk Behavior Change Campaign Initiative in Alameda County, CA
  • $275,000 - Cypress Mandela Training Center for Pre-apprentice Construction Training
  • $275,000 - Asian Health Services (AHS) for New Access Point for Comprehensive Primary Care Project
  • $250,000 - Youth Radio for the Youth Radio Media & Technology Center


  • $250,000 Rehabilitation of the Fruitvale Community Cultural Center, The Unity Council, Oakland
  • $250,000 Ed Roberts Campus bus and bus facilities, The Ed Roberts Council, Berkeley
  • $600,000 for Sidewalk construction in Ashland, Cherryland, and Castro Valley communities in Alameda County, CA, Alameda County Public Works Agency
  • $1,000,000 for Berkeley-Oakland-San Leandro Bus Rapid Transit Corridor Improvements Project in Alameda County, CA, AC Transit
  • $1,000,000 for Berkeley/Albany to San Francisco Ferry Service, San Francisco Bay Area Water Emergency Transit Authority.

Additionally, she released the following statement on the bill.

“As a member of the Appropriations Committee, I am pleased with what we have been able to accomplish in this appropriations cycle given these tough economic times.

“This bill includes nearly $7.8 billion to support Global Health programs, and continues our pledge to fight global pandemics such as HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria. Although we provided $5.7 billion for HIV/AIDS programs, including $750 million of which will support multilateral programs through the Global Fund to Fight HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria – I believe that we can and must provide more to meet the targets we laid out in the Global AIDS reauthorization bill last year.

“The legislation also includes of provisions I offered which would prohibit the establishment of permanent bases in both Iraq and Afghanistan. Though I believe we’ve got much more work to do to end our conflict in both these countries and bring our troops home in a responsible manner.

“I am particularly pleased by the establishment of a new Teenage Pregnancy Prevention Initiative within the Office of the Secretary of Health and Human Services. This new program replaces the discredited and ineffective abstinence-only programs that failed to provide our young people with the education and tools to prevent unintended pregnancies and stop the spread of sexually transmitted infections.

“I am also pleased by the removal of the federal funding ban on comprehensive needle exchange programs. I support the compromise developed by Chairman Obey and I look forward to seeing these proven and effective programs expand, both in my district and throughout the country.

“Lastly, increases in funding for green jobs, employment opportunities for returning veterans, our youth and older Americans will help but our nation back to a path of economic recovery. In order for the American worker to be successful we must ensure they have the necessary tools and resources to be prepared for the new global economy.”
