June 05, 2019

Bipartisan Cuba Working Group Statement on Increased Travel Restrictions to Cuba

Washington, D.C. – Following the Department of Treasury's announcement Tuesday to increase restrictions on travel from the United States to Cuba, the Co-Chairs of the Bipartisan Cuba Working Group released the following statement:

“Every American should have the right to travel freely. The Administration’s decision to further restrict U.S. travel to Cuba not only infringes upon that right, it undercuts efforts to help promote democracy and improve the lives of the Cuban people. The United States’ failed embargo policy towards Cuba over the last 60 years has resulted in the outcome we see today. Now, Members of Congress must ask themselves whether they want to continue down the same path with respect to Cuba or chart a new course through engagement. 

"An improved relationship between Cuba and the United States holds endless opportunities for both countries and the surrounding hemisphere. Economic engagement supports a range of U.S. industry, agriculture, and security interests while simultaneously bolstering a budding private sector economy that so many Cubans view as a means to build a new future. Unfortunately, today’s announcement runs counter to both our national security and economic interests. American travelers are the greatest ambassadors for democracy and freedom, spreading the values of our great nation. Their right to live out those ideals and the freedoms we hold dear should not be curtailed by our own government."

Representatives Barbara Lee (CA-13), Tom Emmer (MN-06), Kathy Castor (FL-14), and Rick Crawford (AR-01) serve as co-chairs of the Bipartisan Congressional Working Group in Congress.
