June 04, 2019

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Praises the American Dream and Promise Act

WASHINGTON, DC – Yesterday, Congresswoman Barbara Lee (CA-13) joined her House Democratic colleagues in passing HR 6- The American Dream and Promise Act of 2019, where she delivered this speech on the Floor of the House of Representative before its passage:

“Mr. Speaker, I thank the gentlewoman for yielding, but I also want to thank her for her tireless and longstanding steadiness and leadership in support of our Dreamers.

“Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong support of H.R. 6, which ensures the Dreamers, temporary protected status recipients, and individuals with deferred enforcement departure status are protected from deportation. This bill will also establish a path for 2.5 million people to become lawful permanent residents.

“These young people have lived in the United States for decades and have made a life for themselves and for their families.

“Now, let me be clear. Dreamers, TPS, and DED recipients make our Nation better. They are active members of our community and contribute to our economy and make America a stronger nation.

“I am so proud to represent so many Dreamers in my district. They are American in every way except on paper, and it is beyond cruel to deport them to countries many of them barely know.

“By passing this bill today, House Democrats are maintaining the promise of the American Dream to immigrants around the country.

“It is time to protect our young people, recognize their love for America, and finally help their dreams come true.

“Mr. Speaker, I urge a "yes'' vote on H.R. 6.”

Congresswoman Lee's speech can be viewed here.
