October 29, 2003

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Announces Support for “Operation Hero Miles”

Washington, DC – Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) today announced her support for Operation Hero Miles, a website (www.heromiles.org) that enables the public to donate unused and extra frequent flyer miles to our troops returning to the states on rest and relaxation (R&R) leave. Currently, soldiers granted two weeks of R&R are flown to BWI Airport, but the Department of Defense refuses to pay their way any further, requiring them to pay their own way to catch connecting flights to their hometowns across the country.

“This added expense is something that our soldiers don’t deserve,” said Lee. “Isn’t it enough that they’ve had their lives and the lives of their families disrupted without being asked for more money just to see their loved ones?”

Lee urged her constituents to log on to the website, which serves as a clearinghouse for information for soldiers, families, and travelers about how to donate their frequent flyer miles, how soldiers can receive complimentary tickets, as well as other ways to help our troops serving our country in Iraq. At the moment, Alaska Airlines/Horizon Air, Delta, and Southwest Airlines are the only participants, but discussions are underway with other airlines to have them participate.

“This program offers all of our families a chance to give back to our troops and to help solve a problem that is preventing many of our troops from enjoying their R and R time,” said Lee.
