November 05, 2003

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Protests Signing of So-Called Partial Birth Abortion Ban

Members Walk to Supreme Court to Call on Federal Courts to Overturn the Law on Constitutional Grounds

Washington, DC – Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) today joined with fellow members of the Pro-Choice Caucus today in protesting the Bush Administration’s signing of a bill banning so-called “partial birth abortion.” The group marched to the Supreme Court building where they called upon the courts to overturn the ban on constitutional grounds.

The House passed similar legislation five separate times in 1995, 1996, 1997, 2000 and 2002. President Clinton vetoed this legislation twice, and the House and Senate forced veto-override votes in each chamber in 1996 and 1998. The most recent version of the bill passed both the House and Senate earlier this year. The Senate language reaffirming Roe vs. Wade was stripped out.

The Congresswoman issued the following statement:

“This is nothing but a temporary, hollow victory for President Bush and his anti-choice allies in Congress because we know that this bill is unconstitutional and will not withstand judicial scrutiny.

“We stand here at the steps of our nation’s high court, the court of last resort, and we are mindful of the inscription above its doors, that says ‘equal justice under law’ and we are moved to ask:

Where is the justice in denying women their constitutionally protected right to choose? Where is the justice in endangering women’s health? Where is the justice in criminalizing safe medical practices? Where is the justice in women dying for no reason? Where is justice in assaulting women’s fundamental reproductive rights? And where on earth is the justice in doing all this for the political gain?

“There is none.

“So, we will fight this attempt to undermine our Constitution and our protected right to chose. We will fight this dangerous politically motivated law in court, and we will fight President Bush at the polls next year. The Constitution is on our side and so is public opinion. We can and we must prevail.”
