February 13, 2009

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Applauds Passage of Economic Recovery Package

For Immediate Release
February 13, 2009

Contact: Nicole Y. Williams
(202) 225-2661

Washington, DC –Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee voted in favor of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Conference Report. She released this statement:

“The disastrous economic policies of the previous administration -including irresponsible tax cuts for the wealthy and the war in Iraq and deregulation of the financial industry have left our nation in shambles. Millions of people are living in poverty, without health insurance, and unemployment is through the roof. In my state of California the unemployment rate is 9.3 percent. Our communities of color have been especially hard hit - and it’s only getting worse.

“It’s time we get this country back on the right track. This package will help businesses create jobs and families afford their bills while laying a foundation for future economic growth in key areas like health care, clean energy, education and a 21st century infrastructure.

“Californians will benefit greatly from this legislation. Over the next two years 396,000 jobs will be created– 7,300 of those jobs in my district alone. Nearly 2.4 million California workers will receive an additional $100 per month in unemployment insurance benefits during this recession and 506,000 laid-off workers will receive extended unemployment benefits. Additionally, the bill will provide funding to modernize at least 1, 208 California schools and provide a new $2,500 partially refundable tax credit to 522,000 families in California for four years of college.

“Given the magnitude of the economic crisis, this bill could and should be much bigger – at least $1 trillion.  Additionally, it should have been enacted a year ago when my colleagues in the Progressive Caucus and I first called for a new stimulus package to jumpstart our economy. But the previous Administration refused to take action, letting our economy collapse before choosing to bailout their friends in the banking industry.

“Although the American dream has turned into a nightmare for many during this economic crisis—many people have been living the nightmare for years.  So we must continue to fight on their behalf, and we will.

“I applaud President Obama, Speaker Pelosi, Majority Whip James Clyburn and the entire leadership for crafting this recovery package. It is a positive step in the right direction for our country.”

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