March 31, 2021

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Applauds President Biden’s American Jobs Plan

Washington, D.C. – Congresswoman Barbara Lee today applauded the Biden Administration’s American Jobs Plan, which invests $2.3 trillion to repair our nation’s crumbling infrastructure, modernize public transit, and create millions of jobs.  

“President Biden’s American Jobs Plan is a welcome step in our work to combat the climate crisis, improve our crumbling infrastructure, create good-paying union jobs, support childcare and caregiving, and build back bolder,” said Congresswoman Barbara Lee.  

“This plan aims to improve road safety, modernize our existing transit systems, make infrastructure improvements to schools and childcare facilities, and provide safe drinking water. Additionally, it will address our housing crisis by eliminating barriers to producing affordable housing and will urge Congress to invest more in public housing. This proposal will be paid for by a ‘Made in America Tax Plan’ that will make large corporations pay their fair share. 

“I’m pleased President Biden will release a broader package in the coming weeks to address health care and higher education, help lift people out of poverty, and more, but it’s imperative that we work swiftly and boldly now to restore our economy and empower families. Individuals—especially women and people of color who have suffered disproportionate job losses during this recession—can’t get back to work without childcare, long-term care, or investments in education and job retraining.  

“The need to improve our human infrastructure is just as important as the need to improve our physical infrastructure. We must seize our opportunity to build back bolder with economy-wide investments that will help families make it through these challenging times. 

“I look forward to continuing my work with this administration to address our public health and economic crisis and ensure communities of color and low-income communities are not left behind. This proposal is a step in the right direction, but we must continue fighting for more.”  

For a summary of the American Jobs Plan, click here.