March 16, 2011

Congresswoman Barbara Lee, Bipartisan Group of House Members Call on President Obama to Meaningfully Fulfill Promise of Military Drawdown in Afghanistan

Media Contact:  Joel Payne, (202) 225-2661

Washington, DC – Today, Representative Barbara Lee led a bipartisan group of 80 Members of Congress in sending a letter to President Obama calling for a significant and sizeable reduction in U.S. troop levels in Afghanistan beginning no later than July of this year.

Below is a statement from Representative Lee:

“Our service men and women have performed with incredible courage and commitment in Afghanistan. But they have been put in an impossible situation where there is no military solution.

“Twice, President Obama has doubled down on a counterproductive military-first strategy in Afghanistan based upon the perpetual recommendation of the Pentagon for more troops, more time, and more resources. This letter sends a clear signal to the President that the redeployment of a minimal number of U.S. troops from Afghanistan in July will not meet the expectations of Congress or the American people, and further that we will strongly support a shift toward ending this war and bringing all of our troops home.

“The American people overwhelmingly favor action to speed up U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan. It is time to end this war and to refocus our efforts on job creation and strengthening our economy.”

Last month, Representative Lee introduced The Responsible End to the War in Afghanistan Act, legislation that would limit funding in Afghanistan for the safe and orderly withdrawal of U.S. troops and military contractors. A bipartisan group of 56 House members have joined Representative Lee in supporting that legislation. 


The text of the letter and list of co-signers follows:


March 16, 2011


The Honorable Barack Obama

President of the United States

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.

Washington, D.C. 20500


Dear Mr. President,

We write to you to express our utmost support for your planned drawdown of the U.S. military presence in Afghanistan beginning no later than July of this year. We, the undersigned members of Congress, believe the forthcoming reduction in U.S. troop levels in Afghanistan must be significant and sizeable, and executed in an orderly fashion.

Our nation’s economic and national security interests are not served by a policy of open-ended war in Afghanistan. At a time of severe economic distress, the war in Afghanistan is costing the United States more than $100 billion per year, excluding the long-term costs of care for returning military servicemembers. At the same time, military and intelligence officials agree that Al Qaeda’s presence in Afghanistan is diminished and that there will not be a military solution to resolve the current situation. It is simply unsustainable for our nation to maintain a costly, military-first strategy in Afghanistan. 

A significant redeployment of U.S. troops from Afghanistan beginning in July 2011 will send a clear signal that the United States does not seek a permanent presence in Afghanistan. This transition will provide incentive for internal stakeholders to improve upon the political status quo, reduce corruption, and take meaningful steps toward the establishment of an effective, trustworthy, and inclusive governance structure. A meaningful start to withdrawal will also empower U.S. diplomatic engagement with regional and global stakeholders who share a common interest in the long-term stability of Afghanistan.

The majority of the American people overwhelmingly support a rapid shift toward withdrawal in Afghanistan. In fact, a Gallup Poll released on February 2, 2011 indicated that 72% of Americans favor action this year to "speed up the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan.” Let us be clear. The redeployment of a minimal number of U.S. troops from Afghanistan in July will not meet the expectations of Congress or the American people.

Mr. President, as you work to finally bring an end to the war in Iraq by the end of this year, we must commit ourselves to ensuring that our nation’s military engagement in Afghanistan does not become the status quo. It is time to focus on securing a future of economic opportunity and prosperity for the American people and move swiftly to end America’s longest war in Afghanistan.

Mr. President, we look forward to working with you to make that goal a reality.


Full list of co-signers:

Rep. Joe Baca

Rep. Tammy Baldwin

Rep. Karen Bass

Rep. Lois Capps

Rep. Michael E. Capuano

Rep. Andre Carson

Rep. Yvette D. Clarke

Rep. Steve Cohen

Rep. John Conyers Jr.

Rep. Jerry F. Costello

Rep. Elijah E. Cummings

Rep. Danny K. Davis (IL)

Rep. Peter A. DeFazio

Rep. Rosa L. DeLauro

Rep. Theodore E. Deutch

Rep. John J. Duncan Jr. (TN)

Rep. Donna F. Edwards

Rep. Keith Ellison

Rep. Sam Farr

Rep. Bob Filner

Rep. Barney Frank

Rep. Marcia L. Fudge

Rep. John Garamendi

Rep. Raúl M. Grijalva

Rep. Luis V. Gutierrez

Rep. Alcee L. Hastings

Rep. Maurice D. Hinchey

Rep. Mazie K. Hirono

Rep. Rush D. Holt

Rep. Michael M. Honda

Rep. Jesse L. Jackson Jr.

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee

Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson

Rep. Hank Johnson Jr.

Rep. Timothy V. Johnson

Rep. Walter B. Jones

Rep. Barbara Lee

Rep. John B. Larson

Rep. John Lewis

Rep. Zoe Lofgren

Rep. Ben Ray Luján

Rep. Carolyn B. Maloney

Rep. Edward J. Markey

Rep. Doris O. Matsui

Rep. Jim McDermott

Rep. James P. McGovern

Rep. Michael H. Michaud

Rep. George Miller

Rep. Gwen Moore

Rep. James P. Moran

Rep. Christopher S. Murphy

Rep. Grace Napolitano

Rep. Eleanor Holmes Norton

Rep. John W. Olver

Rep. Bill Pascrell Jr.

Rep. Ron Paul

Rep. Donald M. Payne

Rep. Chellie Pingree

Rep. Jared Polis

Rep. David E. Price

Rep. Mike Quigley

Rep, Charles B. Rangel

Rep. Laura Richardson

Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard

Rep. Linda T. Sánchez

Rep. Loretta Sanchez

Rep. Janice D. Schakowsky

Rep. Bobby Scott

Rep. José E. Serrano

Rep. Albio Sires

Rep. Louise McIntosh Slaughter

Rep. Jackie Speier

Rep. Pete Stark

Rep. Mike Thompson (CA)

Rep. John F. Tierney

Rep. Edolphus Towns

Rep. Niki Tsongas

Rep. Maxine Waters

Rep. Anthony D. Weiner

Rep. Peter Welch

Rep. Lynn C. Woolsey


