January 20, 2009

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Celebrates Obama Inauguration

For Immediate Release
January 20, 2009

Contact: Nicole Y. Williams
(202) 225-2661

Washington, DC – Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee released this statement following the swearing-in of President Barack Obama:

“The inauguration of Barack Obama to the presidency of the United States is a transformative chapter in American history, signaling a dramatic shift in our nation’s politics and priorities. It is an extraordinary event that illustrates to our neighbors abroad that America has made tremendous progress in breaking down racial barriers that have historically paralyzed our nation.

“When Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. spoke a generation ago of the dream he held for America, he envisioned exactly this type of moment, where a man was judged by his character, his intellect  and his hard work -- and not by the color of his skin or his race or his ancestry. Now, children of color everywhere can truly dream without limitations and actualize the true promise of this great land. When a young child of color aspires to one day be the President of the United States, we can assure them, “Yes, you can!

“Let us celebrate this historic achievement, but understand that we have much work to do to bring about the change that this country so desperately needs. I pledge to do everything within my power to help President Obama reverse the damaging  policies of the last eight years, and to positively move our nation into its remarkable third century – one that begins to unshackle the burdens of our past and is limited only by our capacity to dream a new future.”

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