January 07, 2021

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Continues to Demand Impeachment and Removal of Donald Trump

Washington D.C. – Congresswoman Barbara Lee today continued her calls for the immediate impeachment and removal of Donald Trump. This most recent call comes following a violent coup attempt at the U.S. Capitol, which was incited by Trump and left five people dead with many more injured.  

“Donald Trump remains the greatest threat to our democracy and our national security,” said Congresswoman Barbara Lee. “On Wednesday, he incited a violent and deadly insurrection at our U.S. Capitol in an attempt to undermine the certification of our elections. He is unfit for office and can’t be trusted for another minute as commander in chief, overseeing the nuclear codes and the U.S. Military.  

“This week, the House is moving forward with a vote to impeach Donald Trump and invoke the 25th amendment for immediate removal from office. We must impeach and remove him from office immediately so that he cannot threaten our democracy, our national security, and the physical safety of American families.”

Congresswoman Lee voted to impeach Donald Trump back in December of 2019 following the charges of soliciting foreign interference in the 2016 election.  

Additionally, Congresswoman Lee supports measures to remove Donald Trump from office introduced by her colleagues, including Rep. David Cicilline’s articles of impeachment with a charge of “inciting insurrection,” Rep. Ilhan Omar’s articles of impeachment with a charge of “abuse of power,” and Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee’s articles of impeachment with a charge of “abuse of power and willful refusal and failure to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”