March 10, 2004

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Fights for Action on Legislation to Keep Jobs in U.S.

Washington, D.C. – Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) has signed a discharge petition that would force the U.S. House of Representatives to vote on a plan that would immediately help American manufacturers avoid hundreds of millions of dollars in World Trade Organization (WTO) sanctions and lower taxes for U.S. manufacturers. A number of American industries are being dramatically affected by the WTO sanctions, which began on March 1.

“I hope that every single member of the House of Representatives will join me in the fight to get this plan – cosponsored by 154 members of Congress – to the floor for an up or down vote,” said Lee. “It’s unfortunate that with 2.8 million good-paying manufacturing jobs lost since President Bush took office, the Republicans still won’t compromise to help American businesses survive in this horrible Bush economy.”

“Workers and businesses in the 9th Congressional District need action,” Lee continued. “These trade sanctions are making our products harder to sell.”

Earlier this month, the European Union began to punish American manufacturers for continuing a tax subsidy for U.S. exports. The Republican-controlled Congress has had over a year to fix this problem, but has failed to act.

“The Republicans are just out of touch,” Lee said. “Right now, American manufacturers are being forced to pay these sanctions and wait for real tax relief – but all the Republican leadership can offer is more incentives for U.S. firms to ship jobs overseas,” said Lee. “We Democrats will continue to fight to help American manufacturers keep good paying jobs here at home.”
