January 21, 2020

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Introduces a Resolution Recognizing No Name Calling Week

Washington, D.C. – Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) introduced H.Con.Res. 84, a Concurrent Resolution recognizing No Name Calling Week. The resolution outlines the concerns that bullying and name calling have on the 2.5 million school aged LGBT youth and encourages schools to consider a more comprehensive anti-bullying and harassment policy.

“In no school or community, should a young person feel unsafe because of their gender identity or expression. Ensuring the safety of our young people should be our highest priority,” said Rep. Lee. “According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, homophobia and transphobia contribute to depression, substance abuse, and experiences of abuse and violence. As a founding member of the Congressional LGBT Equality Caucus, which formally endorsed the resolution, I will keep fighting to ensure that every child has the ability to come out safely and on their own terms.”

“The Equality Caucus is proud to participate in No Name-Calling Week, and we thank Caucus Vice-Chair Barbara Lee for leading this important resolution. We know that LGBTQ youth can be particularly vulnerable to name-calling for simply being who they are and that this type of treatment can have a lasting impact,” said LGBT Equality Caucus Co-Chair Mark Takano. “LGBTQ youth of color, those with disabilities, and those who identify with other marginalized communities can be even more susceptible to name-calling and bullying. No one deserves to be mistreated because of their identity. It’s imperative that we stand with LGBTQ youth and that we call out discrimination in all its forms.”

“We are deeply grateful to Congresswoman Barbara Lee (CA-13) for her support of GLSEN’s No Name-Calling Week, and the support of all the members of Congress who have signed on. In a national climate where kindness can sometimes feel in short supply, it is an inspiration to see students, educators, and our elected leaders act together as motivating forces for good. Today's Congressional No Name Calling Week resolution sends a vital message to LGBTQ youth who see elected officials visibly support them and put kindness into action,” said Eliza Byard, Executive Director of GLSEN.
