October 20, 2003

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Introduces Non-Adjournment Resolution Today

Resolution Calls for Congress Not to Adjourn until Bush Administration Failures on WMD is Investigated by Independent Panel

Washington, DC – Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) today introduced a congressional resolution calling on Congress to refuse adjournment until an independent commission or select committee to investigate the Administration’s use of WMD intelligence in justifying the war against Iraq is established. Congresswoman Ellen Tauscher (D-CA) has previously introduced a bill calling for a select committee, and Congressman Henry Waxman (D-CA) earlier introduced a bill calling for an independent commission.

But Lee’s resolution ups the ante, insisting that Congress, under Republican leadership, create one of the oversight bodies before ending the legislative session in the next few weeks. Lee’s resolution has 36 co-sponsors, including Tauscher and Waxman.

“The American people are still owed a clear explanation of why this nation went to war,” said Lee. “Time and time again, President Bush declared that Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction program posed an imminent threat to the U.S. and its allies, and the Administration used this as justification for invading Iraq. Now, in the wake of the war, the same Administration has repeatedly backpedaled on the accuracy and truth of this intelligence. Their supposed ‘intelligence’ was the basis for a conflict that killed more than 300 Americans and wounded more than 1200 soldiers – not to mention untold numbers of Iraqis. The American people deserve some real answers.”

“Until we create an independent commission or committee to study the Administration’s errors WMD intelligence, Congress should refuse to adjourn. I, for one, am prepared to stay here as long as necessary to receive answers to the questions of the American people about this WMD intelligence.”
